Is Your Contact Center Doing Enough to Retain Customers? [Infographic] | Calabrio
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Is Your Contact Center Doing Enough to Retain Customers? [Infographic]

CMOs agree that customer retention is one of the most critical measures of a brand’s health. So why do less than half of senior leaders believe their customer experience is “satisfactory or better?”

Understanding the customer has always been critical for business growth, but the evolution of customer expectations and increased cost of losing a customer makes capturing its voice more valuable than ever. This is where the contact center can help.

The infographic below depicts the impact of the goldmine of insights hiding inside your contact center.

Your contact center has an abundance of customer insights. It’s time to put that data to use.

Customer is king infographic

To learn even more about how you can better understand your customers, download, Success in The Experience Era: Connecting Customer and C-Suite.

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