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  • Introducing Data Explorer

Introducing Data Explorer

According to research by McKinsey only 37% organizations feel they use analytics and reporting to create value. Data Explorer (DX) allows your organization to leverage your employee and customer data to create value and improve decision making. The suite-wide business intelligence and custom reporting tool that comes with the Calabrio ONE suite is now available for the new Calabrio WFM.

Download this datasheet to learn how to visualize your data in actionable and meaningful ways.

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Considering implementing an analytics solution in your contact center? Discover 10 practical, real-world use cases.

White Papers & ReportsForrester Research: The ROI of Calabrio ONE

Download and learn how Calabrio ONE brought a customer a 546% ROI in this Forrester commissioned Total Economic Impact (TEI) report.

White Papers & ReportsThe Customer Data Often Overlooked by the C-suite

Learn from over 1,000 C-Suite executives in the U.S. and U.K., about the factors that compel change in their organization and the data sources they rely on to inform their decisions.

White Papers & ReportsTips and Techniques for Accurate, Effective Forecasting

Predicting the future is no easy task. A properly forecasted and staffed contact center saves the customers time and benefits your bottom line. Download the guide to learn more.

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Calabrio is a trusted ally to leading brands. The digital foundation of a customer-centric contact center, the Calabrio ONE workforce performance suite helps enrich and understand human interactions, empowering your contact center as a brand guardian.

We maximize agent performance, exceed customer expectations, and boost workforce efficiency using connected data, AI-fueled analytics, automated workforce management and personalized coaching.

Only Calabrio ONE unites workforce optimization (WFO), agent engagement and business intelligence solutions into a true-cloud, fully integrated suite that adapts to your business.

For customers and partners.

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