Fun mobile facts – Calabrio (UK)
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Fun mobile facts

I will be holding a webinar on the 25th this month, looking at mobile and WFM engagement. I hope you all join me.

In researching some numbers for the piece, I came across some amazing facts, which were too many to include but thought it might be of interest anyway, and some will make you smile!

  • Over 9 TRILLION text messages were sent in 2013, that’s 1200 for each of us. Compared to email that’s not so much, over 100 trillion were sent in the same year.
  • The first “car phone” came in 1940, and needed to have the engine running to supply power.
  • China: (1.2 billion) India: (904 million)  US. (327 million)  Brazil: (276 million) and Russia: (256 million)  have the most number of mobile phones
  • Montenegro has mobile phone penetration of 192.5% or nearly two phones per person.
  • The bestselling ever mobile phone was the Nokia 1100 which sold over 250 Million.
  • Apple sells an iPhone every 4 seconds
  • The highest ever phone bill was 140,000 pounds (UK)
  • The most common use for a mobile phone is to check the time
  • The most expensive mobile phone was a gold, and diamond encrusted phone costing 6.7 million pounds (UK)
  • Every minute over 1000 mobile phones are activated

Love them or hate them, mobile phones have changed the way many of us live. I hope you can make the webinar.


Jeremy has worked across the spectrum from R and D to Sales/Business Development. The majority of his career has been spent in Product Management for large scale systems on the edge of mobile networks. He was Product Director for one of the first cloud solutions targeting the gaming industry. He is co-author of four patents in the areas of messaging and M2M technology.
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