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Fun mobile facts

I will be holding a webinar on the 25th this month, looking at mobile and WFM engagement. I hope you all join me. In researching some numbers for the piece, I came across some amazing facts, which were too many to include but thought it might be of interest anyway, and some will make you [...]
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Forgot my password – the future of passwords

Everyday at work I interact with a lot of different services and they all keep my credentials in the form of username and password. It would be nice if I could have the same credentials for all services, but as you probably know I shouldn't. The reason for that appears from time to time when [...]
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What is coaching? – useful for my organisation?

Definitions for what coaching is may vary. According to Wikipedia: Coaching is "a method of directing, instructing and training a person or group of people, with the aim to achieve some goal or develop specific skills. There are many ways, types and methods of coaching. Direction may include motivational speaking and training, seminars, workshops and [...]
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Elton John’s odd lyrics – or importance of clear message delivery

I was reading an article in the Huffington Post about misheard song lyrics and, in a roundabout way, brought to mind the challenges WFM and operations partners face while communicating with each other. I don't know how many times I have seen frustration on a colleague’s face when trying to express, “Hold me closer tiny [...]
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Use WFM to identify and improve performance centres

Organisations with customer relations today are facing challenges of growing demand and more complex customer requests while, at the same time, they’re searching for more efficient ways to combine great customer service and operational efficiency. As such, analysing operations and processes would benefit from the use of various sets of tools. In this post, we [...]
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Basic, vital principles for successful WFM

From my perspective, workforce management (WFM) is more than just a software tool – it is an entire business-process solution. For this reason, it is vital that organisations include everyone in supporting the WFM process. WFM managers, resource planners, users: success cannot be achieved on your own. You need a strong sponsor within the organisation. [...]
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Agent satisfaction vs. agent engagement – promoting the latter

When my father retired, he had worked for the same company for 40 years. Why he stayed with the same company throughout his whole career was because he was “happy” with his job; he had job satisfaction. Back in those days, the workforce tended to be loyal to the employer, and in return for loyalty; [...]
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Frequent upgrades make for better products

Even in the days of the old waterfall model , one of the key factors of success was to identify issues and defects as early as possible so as to minimise remedial costs. But what if the wrong product is being made in the first place? This is a quality issue which is much harder [...]
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