Stay hot with right person, place & time so customers don’t grow cold – Calabrio (UK)
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Stay hot with right person, place & time so customers don’t grow cold

In an environment where the automation of processes and contacts scripting help provide customers with mass servicing that answers standard questions, a trend seems to be emerging: cases which require more in-depth, personal observation help niche contact centres to stand out by fostering the development of a very specialised set of skills.

A sound, automated WFM system ensures that customers get the right agent at the right place and time. This means that customers are put into contact with an advisor that is able to provide a service according to a smooth process, powered by efficient and effective resource management. Optimisation of contact conditions thus helps set the optimal grounds for service delivery. However, service delivery is just a fraction of the process in which customers engage.

With customer queries increasing in complexity, it is vital that advisors receive proactive skills development so as to be able to respond knowledgeably. Part of that skills development should include the ability to anticipate customers’ future situations so that these don’t turn into the questions or issues of tomorrow.

A key part of this includes the ability to effectively identify each customer’s specific situation and needs as well as utilise the advisors’ experience to identify the potential developments of that customer’s situation and needs tomorrow. This type of contact is very customised and, as each situation requires a different approach, cannot be easily scripted.

Experienced advisors, thanks to their ability to relate to such customer situations and deliver an effective and accurate service, are a precious resource. This pro-activeness is also preventative in nature: helping a customer to solve situations before they turn into issues.

Experienced advisors also have the ability to be able to contribute to the skills-development process of new colleagues to handle non-standard, tricky cases. Being involved in more coaching situations stimulates their own development and empowerment as well.

In summary, be one step ahead of what the market expects in terms of customer relations: i.e. provide quality service to solve today’s issues, identify and respond to tomorrow’s questions so as to avoid or minimise potentially negative impacts. Combining effective WFM with capitalising on experienced advisors’ know-how contributes to the sustainable development of contact centres, today and tomorrow.

Bastien Le Priol is part of the Product Management organization at Calabrio. His previous works as Implementation Project Manager and WFM Consultant have had for focus the improvement of operational efficiency within Contact Centers in Europe and globally. He is currently supporting the organization with areas inviting for further exploration and communication.

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