We have all seen our fair share of challenges this year. Everyone is adapting to a new normal, and that means contact centers must deal with increased demands for flexibility and agility. From the C-Suite, to the workforce management specialist, to the contact center director — each member of the service team needs support to navigate this new era.
We want to provide solutions that let you prepare for whatever comes next. That’s why we are announcing the unveiling of a new Calabrio ONE — powered by the cloud with next-generation workforce management software at its center.
We just unveiled the new Calabrio ONE at our virtual Calabrio Customer Connect event. With the new Calabrio ONE, we are committed to helping you resolve the specific challenges of this new era. Whether you are a C-level executive looking to keep up with new innovations, a contact center director trying to retain employees or a workforce management specialist seeking more flexibility in scheduling — we’ve designed the new Calabrio ONE just for you.
Calabrio WFM enables your organization, through its core functionality, to plan and manage their operations through advanced forecasting, dynamic scheduling and intelligent automation, while also providing the tools and technology to empower, educate and lead today’s workforce.
Forecast future results more effectively, make employee schedules more accessible and embrace intelligent automation within a fully integrated workforce engagement management suite:
You’re getting more than just a revitalized workforce engagement management solution with the new Calabrio ONE. You’re also getting a wholly modern approach to customer experience — through an integrated workforce engagement management suite. With the entire Calabrio ONE suite, you obtain a single source of truth about the full customer journey and contact center-performance. Understand your customer’s behaviors and needs—and develop a strategy to respond accordingly.
The new Calabrio WFM has been unveiled with the integrated, best of both Calabrio WFM and Teleopti WFM unified in the full Calabrio ONE suite. Along with the exciting possibilities that the new product for the new era can offer you, we understand there can be a lot of questions.
If you’re a current customer, click here for answers to frequently asked questions within the Calabrio Customer Success Center. If you have additional questions, please contact your account representative.
If you missed out on our C3 unveiling, check out the on-demand version. And if you are wondering about how you can make the move to the new Calabrio ONE, contact us for more information!