Workforce Wellness Assessment | Calabrio

Assess Stress in Your Contact Center

Short multiple-choice quizzes to gauge wellbeing and anticipate burnout in agents, managers and even leadership.

The last two years of remote work and job uncertainty certainly catalyzed the Great Resignation — but the conditions were building long before the world had heard of COVID-19. Stats on job satisfaction, workplace stress and mental health have been trending downward for years now. And the impacts of declining employee wellbeing aren’t just higher turnover. Fatigue and stress directly impact productivity and performance. In the contact center, the performance impacts are even more clear: Research consistently shows that engaged and satisfied agents and managers provide better service that drives higher customer satisfaction metrics.

But stress looks different for agents, managers and operations staff, and contact center leaders. So, how do you know if you and your staff are overly stretched and stressed?

Based on your role, take one or more short self-assessment to gauge the wellbeing of yourself and your employees.


I manage a team of agents

Assess Agent Stress

I am a call center agent

Assess Your Stress

I am an operations manager/CX leader

Assess Your Stress

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