From my experience, knowledge is perhaps the biggest threat to long-term, contact-center WFM success. It is crucial to build WFM competence from the top management on down to the agent level. Everyone needs to be aware what impact a sound WFM process can make on the business, customers and contact-center staff. The entire organization needs to participate. As such, WFM success can be achieved.
Sound software is essential for a well-run WFM process. However, sound internal work processes and methodologies must also be part of this. First and foremost, WFM is a business process, not a technological solution. The same amount of focus must be applied on internal processes and methodologies as on software features.
Another key point is that your WFM team should become the focal point in your organization. Keep the team central to any core planning decisions being made. After all, they’re the heart of the contact center.
See how you are performing. Understand the statistics and how to use them in the WFM tool. Furthermore, beyond the traditional front office, start identifying key areas for WFM deployment, such as outbound and the back office. Finally, realize the benefits of automation – don’t ignore the tool’s capability to make efficient agent-skill reports.
Following all these suggestions will make WFM a winning concept – both for your business and customers.