Connor Bourke, CEO of Optima WFM, a leading provider of managed WFM services that offers a combination of cutting-edge cloud-based technology solutions and highly experienced management, discusses the benefits and growth of the managed services model.
What complex and difficult challenges can we in the contact center industry expect to face as a result of the rapid changes our industry is experiencing? More technology choices than ever before are on offer, either via on-site deployment or in the cloud. Offshore and nearshore alternatives are presenting themselves at an increasing rate. New customer contact channels are developing that make customer service outlets a lot more than just “call” centers. In addition, outsourcing vendors are offering more and more options in more and more specialized areas. All of these make it easier and cheaper for both our customers to reach us and for us to service our customers’ needs.
Now a new revolutionary change is presenting itself – the Managed Services Model. Firms have the option of maintaining their own captive contact centers, or setting up new captive offshore centers, keeping the provision of customer service in-house, but outsourcing the highly technical and specialized areas such as technology management, data analytics, knowledge management and Workforce Optimization. Outsourced contact center vendors are able to follow their own business model by concentrating on their core product and sourcing expert talent to manage the support functions.
One of the key areas where this revolution is happening is in the field of Workforce Management (WFM).
So what are the benefits of managed WFM services?
Managed WFM services offers contact centers, whether in-house or outsourced, no matter how large or small a new opportunity, the benefit of technology, expertise and cost savings that would not generally be within their reach. The result of utilizing these opportunities is more efficient contact centers, greater customer satisfaction, higher employee engagement and significant cost savings.