As a contact center professional, you know the critical value that exceptional customer experiences powered by call center quality monitoring deliver to your company’s brand and bottom line.
Case in Point:
From 2012 to 2017, the top 10 brands surveyed in KPMG Nunwood’s annual Customer Experience Excellence study achieved 10 times the revenue growth of their Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index (FTSE 100) counterparts. And brands pegged by the study as “transformational”—those that saw the most improvement over the previous five years—achieved four times the revenue growth and 50 times the profit growth.1
Exceptional customer experiences have become so critical, in fact, that you probably spend less time justifying your resource and budget requirements to your executives, and more time finding ways to be more strategic with your teams and your dollars. That’s why contact center analytics has emerged as a must-have technology for truly dedicated customer service organizations—it helps companies efficiently improve and continually fine tune the customer experience.
Many leaders, however, find initial deployments of contact center analytics to be a bit overwhelming. Unsure of where to start, often they undertake too much too soon and fall short of any meaningful results in the near-term. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Based upon our own Calabrio best practices, here are three ways you can use analytics to quickly improve your contact center’s performance.
With analytics, you can utilize machine learning to predict the scores of future calls based upon the calls that have been manually scored by your evaluators. By examining manually completed evaluations alongside speech analytics and other interaction data—then leveraging machine learning to predict the evaluation score a contact would receive using current evaluation trends—analytics lets you predict agent quality scores for 100 percent of customer interactions. With the help of analytics, you can easily:
By incorporating analytics into your performance management tools, you can leverage holistic and insightful visualizations that can be used by agents, managers, and supervisors to drive more engaged and high-performing agents. For instance, analytics can help you easily:
When analytics is embedded into existing quality workflows, users can gain access to the insights they need without having to go outside the environments they use daily to do so. For example, when analytics data can be embedded and exposed alongside and in sync with customer interaction audio playback, evaluators can listen to a call and view quality-specific insights at the same time. This type of data consumption aligns with the way our brains best process large amounts of information. Synchronized playback and scrolling leverages a mental process called simultaneous processing, which is what our brains use to integrate separate bits of data into a whole and gain single, snapshot view that makes it easier to compare and combine data points.
Embedded analytics allow you to:
Find out how Calabrio Quality Management allows you to review and assess the performance of individual agents and teams—with minimal time and effort. Watch the demo.
1 Marketing Week. “Customer Experience Investment Fails to Pay Off as Performance Hits All-Time Low.” Nov. 23, 2017.