In our last blog, we introduced the importance of adding simplicity to the contact center. We revealed how the trend towards flexible workforces can impact agent satisfaction, recruitment and retention as people threaten to quit their jobs rather than return to the office. With employee engagement as a top priority, we shared proven strategies to make life easier for frontline staff, including streamlining processes and technology.
Now, we’ll reveal the most common barriers to achieving simplification and how to overcome them.
When it comes to complexity, we tend to think about advisors and customer experience first, but what about those running the show? The rise of the work-from-anywhere/hybrid model presents a host of challenges for operational leaders. They are faced with planning to combine in-person, virtual and at-home customer touchpoints while maintaining momentum and onboarding new recruits from a distance.
All of this with the need for heightened levels of engagement and the all-important human touch.
Simplicity starts with good leadership skills — yet traditional management thinking and behaviors are the biggest barriers to success. Those leaders entrenched in a ‘we’ve always done it this way, so why fix what ain’t broke?’ way of thinking fail to realize the world has moved on—exposing them to organizational risk and diminished competitiveness.
The hybrid workforce calls for a different approach to problem-solving. Leaders can turn ‘rogue’ within a moral, ethical and financially responsible business framework. Global analyst firm Gartner introduces ‘rogue thinking’, a management style that involves embracing 7 best-practices to allow leaders to think differently.
As scheduling and forecasting take center stage, the role of resource planners is vital to the success of their organizations. This means that resource planners, as well as their leaders, need to supplement their traditional planning expertise with a new set of skills.
Match newly acquired skills with technology that is personalized, easy and smart to simplify the tricky business of running today’s complex contact center. Behind the scenes, the cloud makes light work of cost control or adding new agents and services quickly in a highly secure and compliant manner. Meanwhile, the latest Workforce Engagement Management (WEM) solutions combine real-time scheduling and forecasting capabilities with powerful employee sentiment analysis to motivate and develop advisors with that all-important human touch. In our next blog on simplification, we discuss how to turn theory into practice.