Why Calabrio Customer Connect, From a C3 Attendee | Calabrio
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Why Calabrio Customer Connect, From a C3 Attendee

Why Calabrio Customer Connect, From a C3 Attendee

Calabrio’s annual user conference, Calabrio Customer Connect (C3), is a 3-day event filled with innovation, education, and networking that brings together Calabrio ONE users and contact center leaders from all over the nation, and even the world. This year, from October 22-25, we are thrilled to welcome Calabrio customers to our global headquarters city, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Interested but not sure what to expect from C3? To get amped for the event, we want to spotlight a friend of Calabrio, Caitlyn, who will be in attendance.

Hear from Calabrio customer, Caitlyn Kendrix, Service Desk Manager at Denali Advanced Integration as she shares tips and tricks for attending the conference, the unique way she recognizes employees as brand guardians, and what she’s most looking forward to at C3 2023.

Name: Caitlyn Kendrix
Company: Denali Advanced Integration
Title: Service Desk Manager
Experience: Caitlyn is a Service Desk Manager for Denali Advanced Integration. She has been with Denali for just over 3 years now and brings over 25 years of experience in the contact center environment, much of which has been in the Information Technology field.

What elements of C3 2023 are you most excited to activate your contact center and career with?

Caitlyn: We’re really hungry to dive into the Data Analytics and AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools to learn how they can tell us more in-depth information about our customer experience. Diving into our data is a crucial next step for our contact center. I’m looking forward to attending sessions that dive deep into BI and reporting, absorb the information, and bring that back to my team.

As a first-time attendee last year, what were your biggest takeaways from the event?

Caitlyn: There were so many! I took so many notes last year and have continued to reference them. I think one of the most impactful takeaways was hearing about workforce management as a philosophy from the WFM Product Marketing Manager, Florian Garnier. He has such an interesting way of looking at Workforce Management (WFM). He taught me so much about utilization and occupancy, and how to avoid overworking our teams to avoid burnout while still reaching our SLAs and goals.

For someone who might be attending C3 for the first time, what suggestions do you have for them as a first-time attendee?

Caitlyn: At an event as awesome as C3, it’s easy to get overwhelmed because there is just so much to do, so much to learn, and so many people to meet. I suggest you come prepared with what you want to learn and think about how your corporate strategy aligns with the Calabrio tools. Come prepared to learn, take notes, make friends – I learned so much from the other attendees. Finally, bring your list of questions and use that 1:1 Ask the Expert session; I had a big list of questions and every single one was answered.

It can be easy to fall into day-to-day routines. How do you keep your agents activated and excited about their work as brand guardians for Denali?

Caitlyn: I love this one. This is critical to our business as a global multi-client support environment. We’ve built an extremely positive, inclusive culture in our Service Desk. Our core philosophy is: ‘You Matter.’

Analysts are activated daily to provide fantastic service to our customers because they know there’s a support system in place designed to provide tools that help them find a holistic balance. Calabrio Workforce Management grants them opportunities for flexible schedules to meet planned and unplanned events while maintaining proper resource levels needed to provide high service levels to our valued customers. Using our data and analytics in Calabrio ONE, we’re able to objectively show the analyst direct results of how their dedication to quality improvement provides our customers with superior experience.

Based on the information gleaned from Calabrio ONE, we can recognize our global analyst community by providing meaningful gifts. Supervisors have the data and tools needed to help guide targeted conversations designed to optimize performance. The agents have shared that they appreciate the real time feedback they receive through Quality Management (QM) in their agent dashboard within Calabrio ONE. This helps keep them motivated and removes any guesswork about how they are performing.

It’s really simple. Calabrio ONE makes Denali’s Service Desk better every day by providing tools that are essential for supporting our culture-defining core principle – You Matter.

What are you passionate about both in and out of work?

Caitlyn: At work, really, it’s my team. I absolutely adore my team. Maybe a little cheesy, but they are what drive me. Some days as a manager, it can be hard when you’re looking at numbers, trying to make decisions and make things happen. But then, when I go talk to a team member, they are so inspiring and uplifting, I remember my purpose. We’ll talk about something as simple as food or sharing recipes and we just get to share the heart of being a human. The people working at our service desk, I see how much they care, and it inspires me to try harder for them, to find better solutions because they truly mean so much to me and our business. We have developed a very collaborative and caring environment and that truly is everything. Outside of work, it’s my family and concerts… and maybe coffee too. Then I’d be right at home.

Calabrio’s annual user conference, Calabrio Customer Connect, brings together Calabrio users and contact center leaders from all over the nation & even the world. This 3-day event is filled with innovation, education, and connection. Be invigorated by industry keynotes, roll up your sleeves in breakout sessions and training led by Calabrio experts, and of course, connect with industry peers to gain insights and best practices for improving CX and activating your workforce. Prepare yourself to advance your contact center and career by registering for C3 today!

Dave Hoekstra, experienced in WFM and passionate about customer service.
Dave Hoekstra has spent his entire professional career in customer service, but it wasn’t until he found WFM that he found his true passion. With over 20 years in WFM, Dave has gained insight into the real world challenges of working in today’s customer service. He is one of the few people who truly gets excited when someone wants to talk about Real Time Adherence or Net Staffing reports.
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