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Calabrio in One Word

Calabrio in One Word

The Calabrio culture is important to us

With any company, there’s something that goes beyond the tangible things that are sold. It’s culture, and it changes everything about doing business.

Good business isn’t a transactional experience. It’s a shared one. It’s relationship building. We’re incredibly proud that when a customer partners with Calabrio it’s only the beginning. Our unique culture fuels our work ethic, and it all stems from excellent talent and dedicated individuals who believe in the value of collaboration and technology to accelerate progress.

We’re committed to helping other companies become more than they once were. For us, a good day’s work is when we know we’ve helped empower contact center representatives, managers and the c-suite to better serve and understand the voice of the customer to drive top-line growth.

When you invest in us, we invest in you, too. Get a glimpse into why our team loves working here, and how they describe Calabrio in one word.

What’s one word you’d use to describe your work day or company? Share with us on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.

Tom Goodmanson, President and CEO of Calabrio
Tom Goodmanson, President and CEO of Calabrio, has more than 20 years of experience leading fast growing dynamic software and technology companies. Since assuming the CEO position in 2009, Tom is credited with reinventing the company and its culture around a strategy to expand value and reach through new, innovative products, and remarkable customer experiences. Addressing the market need for simpler solutions to complex customer interaction challenges, Tom’s vision to redefine the standard for software ease-of-use has been instrumental in making Calabrio one of the fastest growing companies in the industry.
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