Google the term “intelligent contact center,” and you’ll see it’s been used for years, but its definition constantly evolves and usually is widely disputed. To muddy the waters even further, contact center vendors each have their own spin on the term, typically aligning it with whichever capabilities their own platform offers.
But what does this term really mean, from the perspective of the people who matter most—the customers themselves?
We joined with leading global communications provider and Calabrio partner Tata Communications earlier this year to add some clarity around this topic. Here’s what we learned.
Each person has their own preferences and comfort zones when it comes to using technology to connect with customer support teams. One person may prefer chat, while another wants to talk with an agent live on the phone.
Whichever channel (or channels) they choose, however—voice, email, video, chat or social media—they expect their interaction to be easy, seamless and fast. It stands to reason that vendors who deliver this type of interaction over any and all device types create the best customer experiences.
Let’s face it—personalized communication with customers via your contact center is basic table stakes nowadays. They expect that, and that alone will not impress them nor set your company apart.
What today’s customers want is a one-to-one experience—they want to be treated as individuals. And this individualized approach requires all omnichannel activities to be integrated and synthesized into a single customer record that agents easily can access whenever they need it. Which leads me to my next point…
Our own research found that 34 percent of contact center agents feel the lack of customer data available to them at the time of a customer’s request leaves them unable to fully deal with that customer’s inquiry. This inadequacy leaves the customer less than satisfied and more likely to submit another inquiry to the contact center in the future.
Intelligent contact centers unify and make available to agents all customer information, so inquiries can be completely resolved to the customer’s satisfaction during the first interaction.
Lastly, to do all of the above things—and to bypass, not merely meet, customer expectations—intelligent contact centers make the evaluation and deployment of innovative technology a top priority.
So what do they look for? Here are a few of the current hot technologies intelligent contact centers are actively implementing:
Want to learn more? Download the full Calabrio and Tata Communications joint white paper, The Contact Center for the Digital Age.