
Digital Transformation

How Analytics Technology is Changing the Contact Center


The contact center as profit driver keeps popping up on lists of top business trends for 2016. Surveys show 3 in 4 organizations now view the contact center as a key differentiator—no longer just a cost center. Despite this big talk, most organizations are doing a terrible job of extracting business value from their contact centers.

In the last year, U.S. contact centers racked up more than 200 billion minutes of inbound calling. That’s 200B+ minutes of your customers telling you who they are and what they want. Yet, the average organization analyzes a whopping 2% of these interactions—and most of this analysis has a reactive, remedial goal.

Why are so many organizations letting their customer voice just sit there, boxed up on the shelf, instead of putting this data to work to drive proactive change? 

Because most lack the tools to capture and use the data they collect—and many are unaware the capabilities even exist. In addition to the low level of data capture, almost half of all organizations (40%) have no contact center analytics capabilities. Just as bad: 52% of contact centers don’t share customer intelligence with the rest of the enterprise.

Fortunately, new technologies now provide intuitive functionality for harnessing the power of these customer voices.

Leading enterprises are leveraging these integrated analytics solutions to capture all of their customer interactions, transform these conversations into highly usable data, and apply smart analytics to extract meaningful insights. And they’re using these insights to do a lot more than quell unhappy customers—they’re aligning this intelligence with key goals and outcomes across the enterprise.

Here are some of the ways that leading enterprises are using customer interaction analytics to turn their contact centers into a profit driver for their organization:

  • They’re making their agents smarter to make interactions better.
  • They’re giving sales an invaluable understanding of what their customers want.
  • They’re honing marketing efforts to get more bang for their buck.
  • They’re driving efficiency, increasing customer retention, accelerating sales, and creating new revenue opportunities.

Your customers are talking. Are you listening?

Learn more about how to turn your contact center into a customer intelligence hub in this complimentary white paper.