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  • How to kick start your mobile customer experience program


How to kick start your mobile customer experience program


Imagine this scenario, a young woman is walking down the street on her way to work listening to music on her smartphone with her wireless headset while playing on one of her apps. When you think about it, this isn’t some hypothetical story that is hard to imagine. It’s our everyday life. We have become obsessed with our mobile devices. In a 2014 survey of US Consumers, 91% of people say that their mobile phone is just as important as their car and deodorant.

And it makes sense. Our phones are the beginning and end points for navigating through our daily lives. We use our phones as our morning wake up calls, for online banking, to look up information, as appointment reminders and shopping. Given how dependent we have become to mobile technology, you can see how it creates one of our greatest opportunities to reimagine our approach to our customer experience programs.

If you are working on implementing your own mobile customer experience program, here are a few “getting started” tips to help you along your journey:

  1. Define Your Strategy – Know exactly what you are looking to accomplish. Build your mobile strategy around what’s right for your business and customers, rather than focusing on what’s happening today.
  2. Understand the Mobile Journey – Technology has made it possible for you to have a 360-degree view of your customers. Having a consolidated view across all touch points (smartphone, web, tablet, applications, challenges) is key to understanding your customer behavior and will insight new strategies.
  3. Focus on The Mobile Experience – Embrace peer recommendations. Consider establishing online communities to address customer needs. Proving a platform for customers to easily find answers or solve a problem will go a long way for your brand.
  4. Track Insights – Define your desired outcome and link it back to your business objectives and short-term KPIs. By measuring your progress you will be able to identify strengths and weaknesses that will help shape best practices for your long-term planning.

Hopefully, these tips will prove to be of value to you as you prepare to take the next step in establishing your mobile customer experience strategy. Look for future blogs from me as I explore each of these areas in more detail.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and best practices as I’m sure we all have something to learn from one another.

Thanks for listening and best of luck.

Brandon Rowe