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  • Dish Case Study

Case Study

DISH Network Provides Scheduling Flexibility for Their Remote Agents

  • 7% Increase in scheduling efficiency
  • Higher employee engagement
  • Less agent attrition

The Challenge

Shift to preference-based scheduling increases scheduling efficiency by 7% while decreasing attrition

When a shift bidding process failed to meet internal goals, contact center leaders at DISH Network knew they needed a new and better way to engage employees, improve morale and combat agent attrition across 23 contact centers and multiple lines of business.

The project became all the more urgent once COVID-19 forced DISH agents to work remotely for an indefinite period of time.

The Solution

For more flexible scheduling, contact center leaders implemented a preference-based scheduling approach from Calabrio WFM that empowers DISH employees to create custom, personalized schedules based upon their specific needs and constraints.

Each quarter, DISH employees simply input their base shift preferences. DISH’s resource team then develops an optimized schedule that balances employee preferences against contact center needs and customer expectations.

Employees today want more of a say in their schedule and require flexibility. Without a solution to this, attrition will continue to be high.”
Gregory King
WFM Business Operations Manager, DISH Network
The Result

Thanks to its new preference-based scheduling, DISH increased scheduling efficiency by 7%,* and improved agent morale and engagement.


*Calculated using the standard deviation of the relative difference by day.