Using Calabrio Desktop Analytics, the AAA Northeast cross-functional team tracked which available internal resources its agents relied upon when assisting those callers.
One of the key discoveries made by the team revolved around the Global Positioning System (GPS) locator agents had at their disposal: instead of using it, agents often resorted to asking members irrelevant questions about their location because they weren’t well-trained on how to use the GPS tool and how long it would take to use it.
To minimize the amount of time AAA members and technicians spent alongside the highway, AAA leaders identified — then eliminated from the required call flow — four unnecessary questions agents were asking callers.
And, to increase usage of the GPS locator tool, contact center leaders partnered with AAA’s training team to launch a new GPS toolkit for agents that features expanded instructions on how to use the GPS locator, as well as helpful tips on how to accurately log the calculated latitude and longitude into AAA’s call system.