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  • Credit Union of Colorado Migrates to the Cloud and Adds Calabrio Analytics

Case Study

Credit Union of Colorado Migrates to the Cloud and Adds Calabrio Analytics

  • 91% Agent conformance
  • Expanded quality management initiatives
  • $13,600 In annual insurance licensing savings
  • Increased availability of agent performance information

Expanded quality management and in-depth analysis of operational data increase savings and performance



To maximize agents’ understanding and buy-in, leaders involved them in the design of the contact center’s new quality management evaluation scorecard. They then implemented customized dashboards across all levels of the contact center that give customized, up-to-date snapshots of each individual’s and team’s performance. And, to support Calabrio ONE’s ability to perform predictive scoring on all calls, leaders increased the number of quality monitors performed per agent.

The credit union also used Calabrio Analytics to identify immediate opportunities to improve both the agent and member experience. They conducted a Calabrio-powered call study of 22,000 calls during a one-month period, for example, to understand exactly why agents were placing members on hold, so they could take proactive steps to minimize hold events and shrink average hold times.


Upon implementing the new, custom performance dashboards, agent conformance promptly grew by over 10%—then it reached 80% in January 2020 and 91% by July 2020.

Thanks to the call study, managers discovered that 22% of calls had at least one hold event and an average hold time of 2.54 minutes. They also were able to identify the three most common questions each department received from agents after agents had placed customers on hold. As a result, managers implemented several process improvements—including automating digital pay activations, making loan application statuses readily available online and training agents to collect wire transfer information themselves—they expect will reduce the number of hold events, decrease the average time spent on hold, enable quicker call handling, enhance the member experience and decrease agents’ dependency on other departments.

In addition, the credit union saves an average of $13,600 per year in training time and assessment costs after eliminating insurance licensing for inbound contact center agents.